What Are Tooth Cavities?

There are a lot of dental health problems that people face. Some of these include dental cavities, gum diseases, tooth loss, and many more. Several causes lead to these dental problems. The secret is to understand various dental problems to know how to take care of your teeth.

What Are Tooth Cavities

Dental Cavities

These are opening and permanently damaged areas on the surface of your tooth. Cavities develop and become tiny holes or openings. Tooth decay occurs and later develops into cavities.

What Causes Dental Cavities

Tooth decay and dental cavities are caused by a combination of factors. Tooth decay and cavities are the most common dental problem across all age groups across the world. Some of the major causes of dental cavities include;

  • Smoking
  • Consumption of sugary drinks
  • Frequent snacking
  • Bacteria in your mouth

Note that when left untreated, cavities can become larger and deeper leading to severe toothache and infections to gums. In most cases, tooth decay and cavities can develop cause tooth loss.

What Are the Symptoms of Dental Cavities

The symptoms of dental cavities vary depending on various factors. In the initial stage, you might not feel anything or get any sign of dental cavity but as it extends you might experience one or a combination of the following symptoms;

  • Spontaneous toothache
  • Sharp pain when sipping cold or hot drinks
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Visible holes on your teeth
  • Staining of the surface of your teeth mostly brown or black
  • Pain when biting down

When to See Your Dentist?

Dental cavities can cause a lot of discomfort and pain. It is important to seek dental help immediately to alleviate the pain and rectify the situation.
Note that it is hard to know when dental cavities start to form and therefore it is always good to have a regular dental visit. This will help you to know when a problem starts to develop with your teeth.

Prevention of Dental Cavities

The best thing about oral health is that most of the problems can be prevented. Some of the preventive measure include;

  • Regular brushing of teeth with fluoride toothpaste
  • Flossing
  • Regular dental visits
  • Avoiding smoking
  • Eating healthy diets such as vegetables and fruits.

If you already have dental cavities, you might be wondering where to get help. Don’t look further, Admire Dentistry is the best place for oral health. For dental fillings and other dental services, contact Admire Dentistry today.


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